Flower Promotion

Growers’ Flower Council of India is the platform to ensure sustainable #floriculture industry in #India through encouraging consumers to buy #flowers and plants on daily basis.

GFCI is an association of independent growers, exporters of cut-flowers and ornamentals, input suppliers, florists, wedding decorators and each beneficiary in the chain of flower consumption by end users. Through effective and creative communication with Indian consumers; GFCI will inspire, tempt the consumer to buy flowers n plants for every occasion in our life.

GFCI will strive to safeguard the economic and social interests of the Floriculture Industry through sound policies promoting sustainable activities. GFCI is funded by it’s grower and other category members. The foundation members have honoured Mr. Srikanth Bollapally as the first “President” and Mr. Narendra Patil (Soex Flora) as the first “Vice President” to lead GFCI. Foundation of GFCI is the milestone in the history of Indian Floriculture and will ensure rewriting its glorious history in the future. GFCI appeals to each and every stakeholder in the industry to join hands together with their valuable membership and strengthen the revolutionary springboard.

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